Friesland has a large body of folklore that has survived from pre-Christian times.(Althogh if you look on the internet you won't find any.) Popular tales and superstitions feature a variety of devils, ghosts, witches, elves, wizards, and trolls.

There are also female spirits who either help or harm travelers. According to a popular folk belief, funeral processions should follow a winding path to confuse the spirit of the deceased so it will not be able to return and haunt th living. For the same reason, the coffin is traditionally carted around the cemetary 3 times before being buried.

"The Seven Wishes is a traditional frisian folktale. The story is set in atime when the land was populated by Little People, including an old fisherman named Jan and his wife, Tryn. One day Jan caught a magic silver fish that promised him seven wishes on the condition that he choose wisely. The humble fisherman's only wish was a new boat because his old one was about to fall apart. Howver, his wife got carried away by greed, demanding a new house, furnishings, servants, and other luxuries. Finally, she demanded absolute power, and the fish took away everything it had given them. The old woman learned her lesson. The couple realised that what truly mattered to each of them was each other and returned to thier modest existence.